Why It’s Unhealthy to be Angry

When you’re learning to manage your anger in a nonaggressive way, the first steps consist of recognizing how anger feels for you, and getting to know the situations that produce it. It’s easier to take these first steps if you can become aware of your anger’s symptoms. Cognitive Signs Cognitive

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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger July 24, 2019

Does Anger Cause Brain Damage?

The moment your body perceives a threat, the brain undergoes striking changes. Communication breaks down between the prefrontal cortex, where rational thought and judgment reside, and the amygdala, where fear rules the day. Your brain gets pumped up on hormones like testosterone and noradrenalin and epinephrine. It’s the latter two that pack the real emotional punch. But they

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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger July 24, 2019

How to Forgive After a Fight

Forgiveness is the ability to let go of the past in order to move forward. Letting go of old wounds is the antidote to hurtful experiences and can dramatically improve your mood in the present.  You may imagine that forgiveness is arrived at through a logical, rational sorting-out process. But

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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger May 31, 2019

Women in Madness

There is a long history of women who were told they were hysterical for openly expressing intense emotions. Guest blogger, Laura Brownstone, LCSW has been a therapist for over 15 years. In this post, she shares her thoughts on the shame and stigma that fuels the impulse of self injury. I

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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger May 31, 2019