Chairman Harold Frazier on Wetsuweten stand

Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs from left, Rob Alfred, John Ridsdale and Antoinette Austin, who oppose the Coastal GasLink pipeline, take part in a rally in Smithers, B.C., on Jan. 10. (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press)

EAGLE BUTTE – Across the line known as the US/Canadian border our Wetsuweten relatives have been engaging in the same struggle all of us are forced to endure. The invasion of our lands, the robbing of our resources, the raping of our people and the destruction of our land.
Many of the tribes have stood next to their relatives and shown solidarity in resistance. The Mohawks are among the many who are likely to suffer from paramilitary “police” actions adding human casualties to the damages done to our land. Many of the lands currently under siege were agreed to long ago yet the greed that preys on this land is worse than any other virus in existence.
This tragedy has been played out many times in far and remote places. Let us show our neighbors that we see them. We see the injustice and the crime on a peaceful people who are only guilty of standing up for Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth).
The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe stands in solidary with our relatives in Canada for they have stood with us. If we do not stand up for our planet and relatives, we no longer deserve the right to be a part of this planet or have relatives that care about us.

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