COVID-19 Update from Northern Cheyenne Country
Due to an extremely diligent response, the Northern Cheyenne Nation appears to be winning the war against COVID-19, though the battle took its toll on 57 Tribal members (Northern Cheyenne Tribal Services Department). Thus, life is getting “more” normal on the reservation, though certain precautions are still required and encouraged by the Tribal Government. William Walksalong, longtime Tribal Administrative Officer, who also survived COVID 19, says that the community has good reason to feel hopeful, but the Tribe will continue safety precautions as long as necessary to protect the health of the community.
According to IHS reports there were 957 confirmed cases of COVID 19 on the reservation and 903 have recovered. Chief Dull Knife College, opened since January of this year reports no cases related to that institution.
As reported on the Northern Cheyenne Nation website: zeros are incredibly good numbers for COVID- 19. According to the most recent posting of May 15 and for several weeks prior the Score Card has run: 0 new positive tests; 0 active cases; 0 contacts/tracing; 0 ACS Housing; 8 hospitalizations and 0 deaths. Tribal Council member Lane Spotted Elk, Lame Deer includes these reports in his Facebook page.
With a combined effort of IHS health professionals and strong tribal support, 42.8% of the Tribal community has been vaccinated for a total of approximately 2,600 adults. The Tribe and IHS are actively working to reach the goal of 7-80% to achieve herd immunity.
The most recent Tribal Executive Order pertaining to COVID 19 was posted on the Tribal website on March 15, 2021 remaining in effect until further notice. While that Order eases some of the previous restrictions and precautions, some remain in effect. The nightly curfew from 6:00 a.m. remains in effect now only for minors, enforced by BIA police. During the pandemic, the Tribal Council revised the Tribal Law and Order Code to make curfew violation a Class C offense and enacted new provisions regarding sanitation. The Road check system approved by the BIA will remain in effect; visits to the Shoulderblade and Heritage Center Elderly Living complexes are still limited, except for compassionate care reasons; no outside vendors are allowed; restrictions on wakes and funerals are encouraged and no large public gatherings are allowed. The order also s strongly encourages the continued use of masks, hand washing and social distancing.
However, several provisions of the initial Tribal Executive Orders related to COVID-19 have been lifted. Bus transportation for students attending schools on and off the reservation have resumed and reservation-based businesses are free to operate on regular and normal terms, including the Charging Horse Tribal Casino which has implemented new sanitation and safety measures. Except for out-of-state providers, all delivery of goods and services has been resumed. The Tribal President can approve exceptions.
With the Battle of the Rosebud and Little Big Horn events quickly and Pow Wow season fast approaching, the Tribe has not yet announced whether such festivities will be allowed. On the other hand, in a recent letter sent to HIS beneficiaries of the Northern Cheyenne/Crow Hospital, Crow Tribal Chairman Frank White Clay announced that to make cultural events safer, the Crow Tribe is requiring event participants and audience members to be fully vaccinated and be able to provide proof of completed COVID-19 vaccinations before being admitted to the event.
(Clara Caufield can be reached at
The post COVID-19 Update from Northern Cheyenne Country first appeared on Native Sun News Today.