Julián Castro on condemns terrorist attacks
SAN ANTONIO, TX – Following the heinous acts of violence in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, presidential candidate, former Obama Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, Julián Castro released a statement with his reaction, citing the need to change gun laws in America and end white supremacy:
“My heart is with the people of El Paso and Dayton as they cope with the domestic terrorist attacks in their communities. I share in the tremendous grief all Americans feel today. These tragic events are a reminder of our government’s failure to do its most basic duty: to protect us,
“We could have acted to protect these victims through common sense gun reform. It’s not too late to enact universal background checks, red flag laws, a limit on high capacity magazines, and a renewed assault weapons ban to protect others. These actions have been stalled by the Trump administration and politicians who are bought and sold by the corporate gun lobby. Congress must act now.
“A President should rise to the challenge of leadership in times like these. Instead, Donald Trump fans the flames of bigotry and white supremacy. From day one, calling Mexican immigrants “rapist and criminals,” he made a choice to divide people for his political benefit. Now we see the result: a rise in white nationalism and domestic terrorism directed at people based on their race, ethnicity, and religion.”
“These shooters are ultimately to blame for their actions. They are attempting to terrorize us but I believe that the vast majority of Americans reject this hatred. Most Americans live the values of compassion and understanding and I believe will hold their elected officials to that same standard — from the school board to the White House.
“Thank you to the police officers and first responders for their swift action and to those who volunteered to help the families of Dayton and El Paso, and who gave blood. These shooters do not reflect the values of the vast majority of the American people. We must summon our collective will to reject their hate and act to honor the lives of those lost to these preventable attacks.”