LaCreek rep arrested on drug charges

Cora White Horse Pine Ridge LaCreek District Council Woman. Photo Courtesy Facebook

PINE RIDGE — Normally when a public servant is arrested for drug related offenses, an internet search engine reveals stories and details. Not so with the arrest of Pine Ridge LaCreek District Councilwoman Cora White Horse. According to sources who wish to remain anonymous, White Horse was arrested by Rosebud tribal police on July 4. She was charged with the illegal distribution of prescription drugs and bonded out for $2,500. However, over the weekend, the arrest, and the subsequent reaction, were leaked onto social media.

On July 11, sources assert, White Horse met with Oglala Sioux Tribal (OST) President Julian Bear Runner, Tribal Treasurer Mason Big Crow, and Bear Runner’s policy and strategy advisor, Chase Iron Eyes. Bear Runner then had a conversation with Law and Order Chairman Duane Yellow Hawk, instructing him to conduct an investigation.

On July 12, White Horse requested an Executive Session, where she asserted that the drugs were for her own personal use. Yellow Hawk is alleged to have said that the Law and Order committee would take no action and he left it to Bear Runner to investigate.

Calls to the Rosebud police were not returned. The OST has released no official statement and no news agency has covered this story.

Questions remain as to why the Rosebud police would know she had these drugs on her person, and what evidence they had that she was illegally distributing them under the guise of personal use. Media blackouts and executive sessions ostensibly and justifiably exist to protect the sensitive reputations of public figures; especially should facts later determine the charges to be unfounded. Sources indicate the fear of most tribal members is that this is actually a cover up.

Media communication with OST during the Bear Runner administration has been arbitrary and selective or non-existent. The Tribe has failed to provide press releases on key tribal issues. Media Relations was recently revamped and personnel replaced, but the problem still persists.

Whether charges have been dismissed, or White Horse must face a hearing on these charges, was not verifiable at press time. Calls to the number supplied by White Horse on her government official Facebook page were not returned.

White Horse is Chairwoman of the OST Council’s Finance Committee. She previously served two terms as representative of the Medicine Root District. Previously, White Horse worked as an assistant to OST President Cecilia Fire Thunder and OST Treasurer Crystal Eagle Elk. Prior to these positions, White Horse worked in OST Law Enforcement and Bureau of Prisons Juvenile Programming at the Kiyuksa Otipi Reintegration Center.

Most recently, White Horse held journalist positions at the Bennett County Booster and Lakota Country Times. She has also worked in OST’s financial accounting office.

White Horse was graduated from little Wound High School and then attended Haskell Indian Nations University and Oglala Lakota College.

(James Giago Davies is an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota tribe. He can be reached at


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