Lakota man killed by Rapid City Police
Lakota man killed by Rapid City Police
By Joseph Budd
Native Sun News Today Staff Writer
Recently a case was reported of an individual being killed at private home by police officers. The homeowner returned home and found the place showing signs of entry, and contacted the police. When they responded they started searching the house, and found a person behind a locked door. On forcing entry, they found the burglar, holding a “long gun”, and proceeded to shoot the individual. Burglar was killed, case closed, right?
However, a few things do make one wonder in this case. The First, the man they felt was the burglar, was a fellow named Barney L Peoples Jr. Age 52. Here was a fellow who was known in the local circles of the Lakota, who had started out his first 12 years living on Pine Ridge before moving to Rapid City. He had worked, as an Ambassador with Chief Grass, in representing the Lakota Independent Nation State, which had declared independence from the United States on July 14th, 1991. He also was considered as a consultant for Lakota History, Social and economic conditions for the new, yet to be officially recognized Country of Lakota.
From there out, several things, that operate from there out, don’t make sense. A few commented that robbery wasn’t his style, given he had had history with law enforcement, like disorderly conduct, simple assault and open container. Where the robbery occurred, James Warren Drive, isn’t exactly a major street, just off west main and above the Starbucks too. Did Peters get confused, and entered the property looking for a place out of the cold? One also wonders, did he act alone? Did the rifle come from the house, or did he bring it with him? The one question that usually comes up, was an effort made to use a tazer on the Peters before, or did the officers go right to guns with Peters?
As of yet, the Attorney General’s office in South Dakota hasn’t had a Publication release on all the investigative work done, so it’s possible they are still looking into this case. One might wonder if anybody camera footage exists, or family or friends in the area, before he died could shed light as to why he did this.
The post Lakota man killed by Rapid City Police first appeared on Native Sun News Today.