Lakota Treaty Council to meet in Rapid City
RAPID CITY — The Treaty Council’s, Tribal Councils and Traditional Lakota Leaders are gathering in the Sacred He Sapa on December 17, 18 and 19, 2019 to attend the Company Name Conference Company Name being held at the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn in Rapid City, SD.
“We have about 80 individuals from the Oglala, Sicangu, Hunkpapa, Ohenunpa, Sihasapa, Itazipco, Hohwoju, Omaha, Lummi, have preregistered, we’ve received calls from the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikira, Norther Cheyenne, saying they might be coming ” said Phil Two Eagle, Executive Director of the Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council of Rosebud, SD who are hosting this Company Name
The goal of our event is to educate the Lakota Oyate and the rest of the world about the inherent powers of Lakota Oyate and to discuss strategies to hold the United States accountable for promises made in the Fort Laramie Treaties. You must remember the Treaties signed by the Oceti Sakowin Oyate with the United States are International Agreements and gives us a status same as other countries that recognizes a Nation to Nation relationship and not a Government to Government relationship said Two Eagle.
Some of the topics include the Doctrine of Discovery with Steve Newcomb, based on his forty years of research, Steven T. Newcomb (Shawnee/Lenape) will talk about the original free existence of Native nations, such as the Oceti Sakowin. He will then explain how U.S. federal Indian law and policy are rooted in an idea- system of domination which is traced to Vatican documents from the fifteenth century. The United States have used that idea-system against Native nations and peoples for more than two centuries.
Inherent Rights with Patrick Kincaid, Attorney from Eugene, OR, International Repatriation with Andrea Carmen of the International Indian Treaty Council, and Andy Reid, Attorney from Boulder, CO we will be revisiting the Rosebud Sioux Tribe v. Kniep, Sioux Nation v. United States, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. DAPL, and Rosebud Sioux Tribe v. KXL. Over 150 tribal leaders and members of the Lakota Traditional Leaders are expected to rekindle the Oceti Sakowin Council Fires.
Inherent Rights are those rights that are inherently established prior to the coming of the Europeans to North America, these are rights that cannot be taken away by any congressional act or law nor can they be taken away, long before the arrival of the Europeans the Oceti Sakowin Oyate as well all tribe’s in US or North America spoke their own languages, tribes exercised their own culture, ceremonies and customs and have been here in the Americas for thousands of generations.
In 1934 tribe’s adopted constitutions and formed new governments under the Indian Reorganization Act which forced tribe’s to follow a democratically elected leadership often not considered the true Lakota government leaving the traditional leaders selected by the Akicita Societies and the Tiospaye with no role or involvement in the day to day affairs of the tribes, henceforth the Treaty Council’s consisting of the old chiefs were formed and carried forward the traditional Lakota way of life. Today, there is a loss of the Lakota language and the break down of the Tiwahe, the Tiwahe is the very first form of Lakota government and unity in Lakota society.
There are also the depredations of the Fort Laramie Treaties such as the Uranium Mining, Gold Mining, Oil and Gas Projects, and the pipelines are direct violations of the Treaties. The Great Sioux Reservation was created by the Fort Laramie Treaties and the Lakota want the United States to honor the treaties they signed with the Lakota Chiefs. The United States told the Lakota leaders that this land shall be yours as long as the grass grows and the rivers flow.
Contact Phil Two Eagle at