Northern Cheyenne election coming up

LAME DEER, Mont. – As required under the 1996 amended constitution and bylaws, the Northern Cheyenne Tribe holds an election for tribal officials every two years. 

The next one will be this year; the Primary to be held on Thursday, October 3. The top two vote-getters for each position will then advance to the general election to be held on Tuesday November 5, 2024.

Nine seats are available: Tribal President; Tribal Vice President; Five Tribal Council seats including: Ashland, Birney; Busby; Lame Deer and Muddy districts; and Tribal Judge of Tribal Court, two seats.

Per the constitution the elected officials serve four-year terms, the Tribal Council terms being staggered. Thus, five Council members are in the middle of their terms, having two more years to serve.

Incumbents include: Serena Wetherelt, Tribal President; Ernest Little Mouth, Tribal Vice President; Eva Foote, Ashland District Council; Gwen Talywama, Birney District Council; Norma Gourneau. Busby District Council; Silver Little Eagle, Lame District Council and Debra Charette, Muddy District Council; David Roundstone and Doris Little Wolf, Tribal Judges.

The qualifications for filing are minimal: reservation residency for one year prior to filing; enrolled by blood. Candidates for Tribal President and Tribal Vice President must be at least 30 years old; candidates for Tribal judges must be at least 30 years old, hold at least a high school diploma must not have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor of moral turpitude for ten years prior to filing.

A candidate may only file for one office and pay a fee: $500 for Tribal President, Vice-President and Tribal Judges; $200 for Council seats. In the event that a sitting official file for, runs for another office and loses, their present position is not affected. The deadline for filing is set for September 3, 2024. Native Sun News will then provide a list of candidates. Clara Caufield can be reached at


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