Northern Cheyenne women dominate new council
On November 3, 2020, general election day for the Northern Cheyenne, MT, tribal members made history, surprising themselves and many others across the country. Women were elected to all but one of the open seats: Tribal President, Tribal Vice-President and five Council seats by overwhelming margins. The position of Tribal Trial Judge was retained by incumbent David Roundstone, his the only name on the ballot, however another woman was, by write-in vote elected to hold the other Tribal Judgeship position. These new officials will serve four year terms.
The votes were as follows;
Tribal President: Donna Marie Fisher, Ashland District (825). Gene Small, Lame Deer District 542. Fisher is a former Tribal Council member.
Tribal Vice-President: Serena Brady Wetherelt (819), Lame Deer District. Sheldon King, Busby District (548). Wetherelt is a newcomer to Tribal politics.
Tribal Judge: J. David Roundstone, Busby District (928). Roundtone was an incumbent. There were numerous write-in ballots cast for the other Tribal Judge Vacancy, the top vote-getter, Doris Littlewolf was the top vote-getter in that category with 168 votes. Littlewolf is experienced in the court system.
Tribal Council Seats:
Ashland District: Melissa Rae Fisher (804). Joseph Daniel Littlecoyote, Jr. (546). Fisher has been a tribal employee and district official for years. She is also the daughter of President-elect Donna Fisher.
Birney: Gwen Talawyma (689), Llevando “Cowboy” Fisher (572). Talawyma is also a new comer to politics.
Busby District: Norma Gourneau (740). Eloise Snow (546). Gourneau is a former tribal official, Tribal Vice-President and Council member now retired from the BIA.
Lame Deer District: Silver Little Eagle (890). August “Tiger” Scalpcane (469). Silver, the youngest person elected to the Council is also new to tribal politics, having recently worked at the tribal elderly program.
Muddy District: Debra Watters Charette (786). George Scalpcane (571). Charette is an incumbent Council member and before that was employed as a BIA secretary.
The newly elected tribal officials will be sworn into office right after January 1, 2021. Three male Councils from the previous Administration remain on board for two more years: Henry Speelmen, Lame Deer, Phillip Beckman, Busby and Lane Spotted Elk, Lame Deer.
The Northern Cheyenne having a saying “It will not be over until the hearts of the women are lying on the ground.” Those these newly elected face formidable challenges their hearts are definitely not on the ground.
President-Elect Fisher posted on her Facebook page “Thank you for your love and support. We are stronger together.”
(Clara Caufield can be reached at acheyennevoice@gmai;.com)
The post Northern Cheyenne women dominate new council first appeared on Native Sun News Today.