Pine Ridge Open House celebrates Golden West upgrades
PINE RIDGE – Pine Ridge residents can enjoy a free lunch and register for great prizes during an open house planned outside Golden West Telecommunications from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27.
The event will celebrate the recent upgrades Golden West has made in Pine Ridge, including Fiber to the Home (FTTH) and the new customer service office inside Billy Mills Hall. Lucky attendees will win an Apple iPad, a television or a bill credit. They can also learn more about Golden West services and promotions, including the federal Tribal Lifeline program and current Internet speed upgrade incentives.
“FTTH is a long-term investment in Pine Ridge and worthy of a celebration. Broadband Internet, delivered by fiber optics, will help the community of Pine Ridge thrive in the years to come,” says Greg Oleson, Golden West’s Director of Member Services, Communications and Government Affairs.
“Pine Ridge customers who have been cutover to fiber are experiencing stronger, more reliable connections and the availability of Golden West’s fastest Internet speeds,” adds Oleson.
The open house will also showcase the new Golden West customer service office in Billy Mills Hall. The renovated office caters to the safety, comfort and convenience of Golden West customers and employees. It features a fresh look, two walk-up windows for customer assistance and a spacious lobby.
The Pine Ridge customer service office is open to walk-in traffic Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to noon and from 12:30 to 5 p.m. Golden West customers can also call 855-888-7777 anytime.