Reservation Dogs: Episodes 2 & 3
The series Reservation Dogs has aired four episodes, and it has been nothing short of exciting for current fans and new viewers. In the second episode, titled “NDN Clinic”, Bear is attacked and beaten by a rival gang and he ends up at an Indian Health Service clinic. Most natives can recall signing in at IHS and having to wait hours to be seen by a doctor. In those waiting rooms, you could see anything from a person who is severely injured to another person just having stomach pains from “something else”.
Life on the Rez can be hard if one does not know how to hustle for money. In “NDN Clinic”, a pop-up stand selling “meat pies” is a sure money maker. Closer to home the term “meat pie” is also known as a “Popover” or a “Hush Puppy”. Willie Jack mans the pop-up stand of the meat pies while Bear and Elora sign in and began their wait in the clinic. Meanwhile, Cheese who is the soft-hearted member of the group, is mistakenly identified by an “Auntie” as her grandson and asks to be taken outside for some fresh air.
At the clinic, Officer Big is telling his stories again, this time to Bear’s mother who is getting all the attention from Big and Dr. Kang, the exhausted and sarcastic doctor who is like the “everything doctor”. There is a memory that is triggered from a doctor like Kang, where after a person spends all the time at HIS, only to be released with a bottle of ibuprofen and pat on the back. An appearance from William Knifeman played by Dallas Goldtooth is hilarious with his stoic-warrior type of character. “Okay, you could die, all right? Sometimes, Native eyes, they just fall out.”
In the third episode, we finally meet “Uncle Brownie” who teaches the crew how to fight while telling stories of his upbringing. Prior to meeting Uncle Brownie, a white couple driving down the highway hits into deer right after their argument about the “Indians” casinos and the myth of $1,000 that each native gets from the government. A sign could be seen with “Land back” spray painted on a road sign. This scene depicts how white America is reminded of the connection of how the land was stolen from their ancestors and all the historical trauma that ensued. We are really enjoying how this show connects modern life to history through comedy.
The post Reservation Dogs: Episodes 2 & 3 first appeared on Native Sun News Today.