SD Guard welcomes Couser as new senior enlisted leader

Command Sgt. Maj. Patrick Couser replaces Command Sgt. Maj. James Hoekman as the National Guards senior enlisted leader.
RAPID CITY. – The South Dakota National Guard appointed a Brookings man to its highest ranking enlisted position during a change of responsibility ceremony at Joint Force Headquarters in Rapid City, June 15.
Command Sgt. Maj. Patrick Couser replaces Command Sgt. Maj. James Hoekman as the organization’s senior enlisted leader, and will serve as the adjutant general’s personal advisor on all enlisted matters affecting training and utilization of resources, health of the force, and enlisted professional development for both the South Dakota Army and Air National Guard.
“Talk about two outstanding NCOs – you are everything that any commander or service member could wish for in their senior enlisted leader,” Maj. Gen. Jeff Marlette, SDNG adjutant general, said of both Couser and Hoekman. “Men of character and integrity, men who lead from the front, men who never lose sight that it’s not about them – it’s about the Soldiers and Airmen and the organization they serve.”
Couser becomes the third person to hold the senior enlisted leader position since it was created in 2013. Hoekman, a resident of Brandon, served in the position since January 2016 and retires with 29 years of service in the National Guard.
“We as an organization look forward to your leadership Command Sgt. Maj. Couser and are greatly appreciative of yours Command Sgt. Maj. Hoekman,” Marlette said.
“Maj. Gen. Marlette, thank you for instilling your trust and faith in me in selecting me as the next senior enlisted leader of this great organization,” Couser said. “Command Sgt. Maj. Hoekman, the South Dakota National Guard is a better organization because of you. Thank you for your commitment and selfless service.”
“I want to congratulate Pat. He and I both had similar career paths…served in many of the same companies and commands, and I can tell you he is going to do a great job,” Hoekman said. “It’s about taking care of Soldiers and Airmen, and he is a servant leader if I’ve ever seen one.”
Couser has over 37 years of service to the United States Army and South Dakota Army National Guard.
He first enlisted into the SDARNG in March 1982 as a heavy vehicle driver with Detachment 1, 740th Transportation Company. Throughout his career, Couser served in nearly every key noncommissioned officer position from team leader to command sergeant major.
“When I joined Det. 1, 740th in Aberdeen in 1982, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be in the position I am in,” Couser said. “I am looking forward to working for all the Soldiers and Airmen in the South Dakota National Guard. I absolutely love visiting with our service members, hearing their stories and letting them know how important they are.”