Addiction Science Videos
Videos and other detailed educational resources provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Computer Programming Tutorials
One hour tutorials and projects for kids of any age. 9 out of 10 schools do not offer computer programming classes, yet job opportunities in computer science are growing at 2x the national rate.
Grief Resources
Grief resources for parents and teachers to help children grieving the loss of a loved one, provided by Fernside
Kindergarten Tech Resources
Technology website for ages 3-6 (Kindergarten), teaching very basic computer skills (drag and click, etc) while providing exercises in the alphabet, numbers, phonics, counting and drawing letters.
Parental Education Materials
Table-of-contents page for a variety of topics, including child anger and tantrums, child anxiety and stress, discipline, communication, etc. provided by The Child Development Institute.
Wikipedia Book Creator
Create a book to include wikipedia pages of your choosing on any topic of interest (a free service offered by
Eight suggestions for parents and/or teachers, about how to make your point without raising your voice, when discussions between you and your child with learning or attention issues get heated.