Here are five reasons to why couples should seek counseling: 1) Strengthen Communication Skills: Being able to effectively listen, truly hear and validate the other’s position is a skill that isn’t necessarily a “given” for many people. Couples that really communicate effectively can discuss and resolve issues when they arise
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger January 31, 2020
We spend much of our lives asking the wrong questions and complaining we can’t get a straight answer. For example, “Why are you so stupid?” or “How can I get him to change?” These questions are “wrong” because they miss the point, they are counter-productive, and they make the problem
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger January 31, 2020
Why do some children lash out? Why do they throw things around the room, yell at the people they love and smack those who they rely on? Most parents feel inadequately prepared to cope with anger problems because they never had anger management training. They hate it. They are afraid
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger January 31, 2020
Stereotypically, women are thought of as emotional and men as logical, but biology reveals this is false. Curiously, the inverse in true. Researchers have discovered that men have a larger part of their brain devoted to emotional responses and a smaller region for logical thinking than women. This makes sense
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger December 18, 2019
In the farthest reaches of the desert there was a city in which all the people were blind. A king and his army were passing through that region, and camped outside the city. The king had with him a great elephant, which he used for heavy work and to frighten
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger December 18, 2019
We all have triggers, blind spots, or vulnerabilities that fuel conflict. The best thing we can do is be aware of them, take responsibility for them, and learn how to work with them effectively. We can’t avoid conflict, but we can learn how to handle it better. Rather than viewing
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger December 18, 2019
Jealousy can be a problem in any type of relationship and can appear in anyone’s life at any time. Whether you are jealous of your partner, a friend, a family member or a co-worker, the effects are the same. You can have jealousy with other people’s things, their success, their
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger December 11, 2019
When you hold on to past hurt, you’re actually trying to relieve your pain by putting other people down and building yourself up. You may imagine that nursing old wounds is the way to be in control and prevent the humiliating exposure of your imperfections. You may even entertain vengeful
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger December 11, 2019
When we do not understand how to effectively deal with anger, we often choose coping methods that are harmful. Here are some unhealthy ways of coping with anger: • Putting anger down. We deny anger or repress it. Some of us like to keep our “nice person” image and not
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger December 11, 2019
Let me tell you about Mr. and Mrs. R, a couple I recently saw in my office. When they came in, they recounted an argument they’d had the previous Friday. They’d started the day in bed, cuddling and snuggling affectionately. But then Mr. R felt his wife resisting. He snapped
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Shared by Aaron Karmin, LCPC, Contributing Blogger December 11, 2019