Tim Sheehy, Republican candidate for Montana Senate bashes Crow Tribe

Tim Sheehy

One of the most closely watched Senate races in the country is happening in Montana. According to political analysts, the outcome will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate.

On one hand, Jon Tester, (D) seeks another term. A 4th generation Montanan, farmer by occupation, Tester has proven to be a stalwart friend of the Montana Tribes, indeed Tribes across the country as he has served as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs and as Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee. Keep in mind that Native Americans have the highest rate per capita of voluntary enlistment of any American ethic group.

He is challenged by Tim Sheehy, a newcomer to Montana, what some have called a ‘carpetbagger’; multimillionaire businessman; ex-NAVY Seal; and now self-styled cowboy and rancher; having bought up thousands of prime Montana land in resort areas. He recently moved to Montana from Minnesota, encouraged to run by Senator Steve Daines (R), MT who chairs the Republican Party. A Major advantage for Sheey, is that he is wealthy enough finance his own campaign.

However, Sheehy is now embroiled in controversy because of racist remarks he made about the Crow Tribe, caught on tape and since widely disseminated even at the National level.

For several years, Sheehy has been a guest of the Tribe at the annual Crow Fair, riding in the parade and later roping with the Crows and other Indians. His recorded remarks where later shared at two fundraisers for non-Indians and captured on tape: “I’m pretty involved down there, rode through their Crow rez, at their annual Crow Fair parade this year. I go up and brand with them every year. It’s a great way to bond with them Indians out there while their drunk at 8:00 a.m. while you’re roping together. Every heel shot you miss you get a Coors Light can upside the head,” he said.

Later Sheehy alleged that people were throwing beer cans at him during the parade processional, a claim that recorded footage belied. “They’ll let you know when they like you or not, if Coors Light cans flying by your head… They respect that.”

Levi Black Eagle, Secretary of the Crow Tribe said that perpetuation of the “drunken Indian” stereotype is appalling, disheartening, disturbing and disgusting. He particularly took umbrage at the allegations that beer cans were thrown at Sheeny during the parade. “This is when the Crow tribal members are on best behavior,” he noted. “We pride ourselves in welcoming visitors from around the world and sharing our culture”.

Black Eagle also noted that the ranchers on the Reservation are by and large good, hard-working people who are on good terms with non-Indian neighbors.

On the Crow Reservation, possession and consumption of alcohol is illegal. For example, and security guards regularly check the vehicles entering the campground during Crow Fair to ensure that alcohol is not brought onto the premises.

Black Eagle’s appeal for an apology went unanswered. Sheehy has remained silent, though one of his aides confirmed that the taped evidence indeed was the voice of the Republican candidate. That fact was told to NSNT by Bryce Kirk, Chairman of the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council (RMTLC) which represents ten Tribes, including Crow.

Since then, the incident has gone viral. First reported by Char-Koosta News, Flathead it was picked up by major Montana newspapers, aired on major radio and television programs; MSNBC and even the Huffington Post, Washington, D.C.  All, these non-native organizations agreed that Sheehy’s statements were unacceptable and require, at the very least, a public apology. Sheey apparently has ignored this recommendation, still remaining non-responsive to all.

Finally, others weighed into the fray. The American Indian Caucus of the Montana Legislature sent Sheehy a letter to express how they were “let down.” “Your remarks have further alienated tribal people. You have chosen to disrespect them to pander to the non-Indian vote”.

Sean Morigeau, a MT State Senator (D) from Flathead, was blunter. “There is sore underbelly of this type of thinking that runs in States like Montana” he commented. “Think of the effect it has upon our children.”

Sheehy is suspected of pandering to non-Indians of that mindset for votes and funding.

In light of Sheey’s continued silence, The Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council sent Sheeny a letter on September 4, expressing their views about this unfortunate matter also urging Sheehy to make a public televised apology at a formal press conference.

“The Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council was stunned to read your comments. Your claims that you are a Montanan and not a carpet bagger who recently parachuted into our State is of shape-shifting quality. Your insults and stereotyping severely diminished and dishonors our people. We strongly urge you to make a formal apology at a public news conference.”

The Republican remained silent, not deigning to respond.

At this point, the Crow tribal leadership has said that it is almost too late for an apology.

However, RMTLC does not intend to let this issue go. The Chair of that organization, Bryce Kirk, Fort Peck (Assiniboine/Sioux) recently visited with Native Sun News Today about some strategic ideas.  “Before Crow Fair, Sheehy came to Fort Peck and spent about two hours visiting with the Tribal leaders there,” he explained. “It was good. He played it very smooth, telling the story of sharing time with a fellow soldier in a foxhole who was from Pine Ridge and how much that meant to him. That was only about two weeks before this situation developed at Crow, slap in the face to us. We can’t trust the guy.”

In the face of Sheehy’s continued silence, RMTLA will hold another press conference on the issue on September 12 in Billings, MT. They are also working with other organizations such as Western Native Voice and Four Directions, ND to educate voters on Montana Reservations about Sheehy’s misconduct and views towards Indians.

Montana tribal members represent about 6% of the Montana voting bloc, long considered a “swing” vote in state-wide elections. For example, in the last election, Tester won by a mere 3.5 per cent. He has credited the Tribal vote for that.

Montana is regarded as a “red” state, Republican dominated.

The 2024 election is proving to be just as dicey, Sheehy slightly ahead in the polls and definitely with a bigger political war chest that Tester.

In addition, RMTLA will be seeking support from a sister organization, The Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Association, representing the Sioux Nations. Gay Kingman, Executive Director was optimistic that “solidarity” will be forthcoming, as the native people in South Dakota have faced a similar adversary, Governor Kristy Noem.

(Contact Clara Caufield at acheyennevoice2024@gmail.com)


The post Tim Sheehy, Republican candidate for Montana Senate bashes Crow Tribe first appeared on Native Sun News Today.

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