Covid-19 forced businesses to restructure on how they do business

Fiber Optics networks are a crucial player in bringing Wireless service to rural areas. (Photo courtesy)


By Kirk Dickerson,
Native Sun News Today Correspondent

As you have realized, our society is being shaped by continued changes in our technology. Wireless and Internet services are pioneers in in the national broadcasting of cable networks to corporate applications. Today, customers may download an assortment of their favorite cable programs to a flat screen or smart phone device with the use of a Roku device. What about rural areas though? In most of these areas you are a great distance from a cell tower or not mapped in on remote areas by satellite.

Opportunity may have been escaping you as corporations and government agencies post-employment or important notices primarily on-line. Residents of rural areas have traditionally received this information through local news publications. On-line applications have been dominating the avenue of how companies gather their employment data. Thus, leaving qualified rural applicants without access to provide their competitor data.
Wireless and Internet service companies have been working to develop fiber optic and satellite technology to reach these areas.
Never has timing have been as crucial as the Covid-19 pandemic has forced states, cities and communities across the country to restructure how they conduct business. Cancellations of travel plans have been replaced with Zoom Meetings and links to one’s cell phones. School work has been primarily done through internet services leaving rural life as a struggle for many students.
Even though the pandemic brought a huge interruption to our daily lives, it has brought opportunity to rural America. With the passing of the Infrastructure Bill, rural counties across American can now fully plan to enjoy the goods and services wireless internet provides.
With the disappearance of Analog television, local television stations were mostly absorbed by local cable companies. Customers have the option of purchasing digital TV antennas to get local news for emergency weather broadcasts in many cases.
There are companies that work in cooperation to bring wire free services to these areas. Wire free USA in Rapid City, South Dakota partners with Direct TV, Hughes and Viasat using Cellphone Security Booster Systems. Currently, these systems have expanded boundaries to include North and South Dakota, Eastern Wyoming, SE Montana and the Northern half of Nebraska. For reservation areas, wire-free services can now be bundled for savings utilizing Golden West Main line. Viasat has done a tremendous amount of work on the reservations within the last twenty-five years. With the assistance of Hughes Net, which is an International Internet company, serves over one and half million customers all over the world.
One may wonder has the Pandemic affected the day-to-day operations of these companies. Like many companies, there is also a labor shortage in sales and installation technicians. However, employees have maintained a 60% retention rate for twenty or more years.
One of the more popular use of Wireless Internet is the introduction to a service called “Wild Blue.” Wild Blue has revolutionized its field. Customers have the ability to receive and send telephone calls through earphones ensuring hands free use. Also, its applications on your cellphones and laptops gives one the capability to use Internet in your car for short or long trips.
For customers who live in rural areas and have low-income, there is a service that truly helps families afford these much-needed services called “Lifeline.” A Lifeline indeed as it reduces these costs making the Internet a must in today’s society, available and budget fitting for those who qualify.

(Contact Kirk Dickerson at

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