Culturally Relevant On-line events for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).  Throughout October, the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) and STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center (STTARS) will host webinars and panels, provide social media toolkits, and participate in various awareness days in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).

DVAM offers advocates a platform to raise awareness, inspire change, heal together, and work towards a safer future for all relatives. As part of its core mission, NIWRC is committed to ending violence against Indigenous women.

According to NIWRC, “Indigenous cultures recognize the power, leadership, and expertise of women. …Domestic violence is not traditional to Native cultures, and it violates the very essence of who Native people are. This violence ends when we reclaim Indigenous values of respect and compassion, and we honor the sacredness of women and children. As relatives, it is our responsibility to speak out against domestic violence and ensure the voices of Native survivors are heard. Offenders must be stopped and held accountable. Hold space for Native survivors of domestic violence by listening to, believing, and supporting them on their journey to healing. Be a good relative by protecting and respecting Native women.”

NIWRC has planned and scheduled the following activities in October 2023, recognizing DVAM:

On Sunday, October 1, 2023, NIWRC will issue a joint statement with STTARS and post a list of curated resources and a social media toolkit to its website (

Monday, October 2, 2023, is Tillie Black Bear Day. Known as the Grandmother of the movement to end violence against Indigenous women, Tillie Black Bear (Sicangu Lakota) was the first Indigenous woman to testify before Congress to bring awareness to the disproportionate rates of violence Indigenous women face. Tillie’s efforts have increased awareness and understanding of violence against Indigenous women, resulting in significant accomplishments at the Tribal, state, and federal levels.

At 1:00 pm (MDT) on October 2, NIWRC will offer a virtual webinar titled “Reclaiming the Sacredness of Tribal Women: Honoring the Words of Tillie Black Bear.” There is no cost for the webinar but pre-registration is required at

Webinar speakers will use Tillie’s words and body of work to illustrate how her legacy continues to inspire the movement to end violence against Indigenous women. Participants will also have an opportunity to break out into “Zoom Rooms,” so those new to advocacy can meet with those who have been doing this work for decades and discuss how we can all honor Tillie as the present and future of this movement.

Webinar speakers will include Paula Julian, Leanne Guy (Dine/Navajo), Wendy Schlater (La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians), and Carmen O’Leary (Cheyenne River Lakota), the Director of the Native Women’s Society of the Great Plains.

O’Leary is a trainer on advocacy around sexual assault and domestic violence.  She is a certified trainer with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center for Law Enforcement on Domestic Violence. O’Leary is also a Tribal Legal Lay advocate for the Cheyenne River Tribal Court and has served as a part-time magistrate for the Tribal Court.  She has facilitated reeducation classes for domestic violence offenders, women’s support groups, and groups for adults molested as children.  She is the regional representative for the NIWRC, where she is the Vice Chair, and is on the Sacred Heart Center board. This local program governs the women’s shelter and an adolescent program.

On Tuesday, October 12, 2023, at 11:00 am MDT, there will be a “Twitter Storm.” Participants may engage by liking, tweeting, retweeting, and quote-tweeting the hashtags #DVAM2023, #DVAM, and #WomenAreSacred.

On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at 1:00 pm MDT, NIWRC presents a DVAM panel “Reclaiming Women’s and Survivors’ Voices to Re-center Indigenous Advocacy” with guest speakers Karen Artichoker, Tina Olson, and Genne James.

This panel of elder Indigenous advocates will discuss how women’s and survivors’ voices are necessary for guiding policy and the development of DV prevention and shelter programs. Daily program practices should reflect the experiences of women and survivors. This conversation also addresses questions about forums for teaching, learning, and sharing. Registration is open at

Thursday, October 19, 2023, is Purple Thursday. Stand in solidarity with survivors by wearing purple shirts, sweaters, dresses, scarves, glasses, or other items on October 19th. Those posting to social media who would like to share support can tag NIWRC and use the hashtag #purplethursday. 

Why do DV advocates wear purple? According to NIWRC, three enduring themes remain at the heart of DVAM activities both historically and in present-day: commemorating those lost to domestic violence, honoring the resilience of survivors, and fostering connections among those dedicated to combating gender-based violence. Purple encompasses all of these themes, unites relatives, and expresses that no one is alone in this journey. Read more about the herstory of DVAM at

On Wednesday, October 25, 2023, NIWRC will be streaming “Understanding the Dynamics and Tactics of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) through the Lens of Indigenous Survivors” at 1:00 pm MDT with a live chat and a Q&A session hosted by NIWRC’s Technical Assistance & Training Team.

This webinar will provide an overview of the root causes of domestic violence in Indigenous communities. It will also explain the dynamics and tactics of IPV from a survivor’s perspective. Highlighted in this webinar is the importance of traditional cultural practices in strengthening and building our capacity to provide effective, respectful advocacy with Indigenous relatives surviving IPV and other forms of domestic violence. The goal is to bring light to the experiences of survivors and clarify the priorities and role of advocates from an Indigenous, grassroots standpoint. Register now at

On Thursday, October 26, 2023, at 11:00 am MDT, support STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center’s Twitter Storm by liking, tweeting, retweeting, and quote-tweeting the hashtags #DVAM2023, #DVAM, #WomenAreSacred, and #SafeHousing4All.





The post Culturally Relevant On-line events for Domestic Violence Awareness Month first appeared on Native Sun News Today.

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