‘Music soothes the soul’

Headlining the Veterans Recovery Concert will be Tantric. This rock n’ roll band has a positive message in their lyrics and music. They are a favorite of veterans from across the country. Credit: Stardust Red Bow

RAPID CITY – A special concert for veterans and their supporters will be taking place on Veteran’s Day in Rapid City. Organized by Stardust Red Bow, Local Recovery Coordinator/Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery – RANGE Program Manager of the VA Black Hills Health Care System, the Veterans Recovery Concert will be a one-time, unique outreach and therapeutic event for Veterans in the Black Hills area. The audience is limited to Veterans, Service Members, and their family and friends. She has been with the VA for the past seven years.
According to Red Bow, the purpose of this free concert is to promote suicide prevention and recovery and honor veterans by giving them an opportunity to attend a concert in an environment suitable for those who are diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, substance use disorder, seizure disorder, or other physical and mental illnesses.
The event will be taking place on Monday, Nov. 11, 2019 – Veterans Day, at the Western Dakota Tech Event Center, 800 Mickelson Dr, Rapid City. Doors will open at 6:00 PM. The concert has FREE General Admission to Veterans, Service Members and Support Persons (must show VA ID, Military ID, or DD-214 at the entrance).
“Music is healing and I wanted to give veterans an opportunity to go to a concert, and be comfortable in the environment, to not be triggered with anything that we might do at the concerts,” said Red Bow.” The types of triggers which can cause discomfort to veterans with PTSD would include flashing lights, strobe lights, pyrotechnics, and other visuals sometimes associated with rock concerts. According to Red Bow, these can trigger seizures and other types of experiences for veterans.
The concert area will have booths from nonprofits and other agencies who serve veterans in the community. These booths will have information available for resources in the Black Hills area for veterans and service members. The VA Black Hills Health Care System covers western South Dakota, including into North Dakota and onto the Standing Rock Reservation. They also parts of Nebraska and Wyoming.
Although Red Bow is serving as concert promoter for the event, she has had help from others in the community. “The recovery concert was my idea and with planning it, I’ve taken the lead on it and the direction that it is going. FourFront Design is the sponsor for the concert. VOA (Volunteers of America) have also partnered with us,” said Red Bow. “My mom has been helping, as well.”
“There is evidence that proves that people who listen to music that has positive lyrics, it increases the listener’s positive and optimistic feelings. And improves their concentration. Tantric has very positive lyrics and they are a great group of guys,” she said. “They have a history of promoting suicide prevention efforts and of working with and supporting veterans and the military.”
According to Red Bow, currently there are twenty veterans who commit suicide per day. This alarming statistic is what keeps her motivated to continue in her work with the VA system, and the many veterans she serves. This concert was designed to help veterans enjoy music without the major light shows held at other venues and events.
The concert is open to all veterans, whether they are not enrolled in the VA, said Red Bow. “Service members are welcome to bring their family and friends. That was another reason to do the concert- to help them improve their relationships and give them an opportunity to do something with their friends and family.”
In her line of work, Red Bow has heard countless stories of the role music played in the lives of veterans while they were deployed. These songs become anthems in the lives of veterans. “The music that they took with them on their deployments help them cope with being away, and get through their military service and connect them with something familiar,” she said.
Red Bow has confidence in the band she has chosen for the event. She likes all of the band’s music, but says a favorite for veterans from Tantric’s songs is a song called ‘Down and Out’. “Musical choices are personal, but I guarantee that anyone who comes will like a song that they play.”
“The point of the concert is to promote recovery, for people to improve their health; whether it’s mental health or physical health,” she said. “Come out, and enjoy the concert. It’s going to a casual, fun event and support other veterans by being there.”
Tantric will be the band performing at the event. They are post grunge rock group based in Louisville, KY. They have produced six studio albums over the years. Their music is reminiscent of the early to mid 1990’s style of music, which was groove laden and guitar rich. They have thick vocal harmonies and easy to follow vocal melodies. The band has been together for two decades, and although the band has gone through changes, front man, Hugo Ferreira has kept the soul of the band intact.
The band is made up of:
• Hugo Ferreira
Lead vocals, rhythm guitar (1999–present), bass, keyboards (2013 session only)
• Jaron Gulino
Bass, backing vocals (2017–present)
• Sebastian LaBar
Lead Guitar, rhythm guitars, backing vocals (2017–present)
• Ian Corabi
Drums (2019–present)
The band is excited to come play for veterans and their supporters in Rapid City. Stardust Red Bow is inviting service members to come jam on Veteran’s Day. This will be an opportunity to network and meet new friends.
“We love to play, but it’s always an honor to perform and give back to those who were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice.” Hugo Ferreira
For more information, contact Stardust Red Bow at Stardust.RedBow@va.gov, or visit the Veterans Recovery Concert event page at www.facebook.com/events/788074128275772/

(Contact Native Sun News Today Correspondent Richie Richards at richie4175@gmail.com)

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