Two-Spirit woman: Overcoming trauma

As a two-spirit woman, Carla Douglas has survived trauma and experiences that many people will not have to go through in their lifetime. She has overcome these challenges to become a needed resource in Rapid City. Photo by: Richie Richards RAPID CITY — When Carla Douglas, 54, was born, her

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Shared by Native Sun News Today September 26, 2019

Resisters give shout-out for Riot Boosting Act

Participants in the Sovereign Sisters Gathering attended a rally at South Dakota U.S. District Court Judge Lawrence L. Piersol’s June hearing in Rapid City in the case of Dakota Rural Action v. Noem. COURTESY / Sacred Activism RAPID CITY – Native American pipeline construction resisters were among the first of

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Shared by Native Sun News Today September 26, 2019

Grandma gets the boot after a fire in her home

Connie Hopkins and her four grandchildren have been displaced from their house in Lakota Homes in North Rapid City, following a fire in early August, 2019. (Photo courtesy Connie Hopkins) RAPID CITY – A grandmother has been evicted from her house after nearly four years of living in Lakota Homes;

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Shared by Native Sun News Today September 21, 2019

Haaland and Warren battle for tribes in Congress

Deb Haaland and Elizabeth Warren. Photo courtesy RAPID CITY— In December, 2018, the United States Commission on Civil Rights released a 300-plus page report entitled “Broken Promises: Continuing Federal Funding Shortfall for Native Americans.” Broken Promises was a comprehensive study that began with explaining the Federal Trust Relationship, and

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Shared by Native Sun News Today September 21, 2019

Tribes hold Trump feet to fire on tar-sands pipeline permit

Delegations of the Rosebud Sioux (left), Ft. Belknap Gros Ventre and Assiniboine tribes pose at Great Falls U.S. District Missouri River Courthouse where federal Judge Brian Morris is in charge of their lawsuit against U.S. President Donald Trump for permitting the proposed KXL construction across unceded 1868 Ft. Laramie Treaty

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Shared by Native Sun News Today September 21, 2019

What would Black Elk say?

There are some things that trip my wire faster than anything and if I come across as slightly perturbed it is because I am. Over the past few weeks the talk from the Catholic Church has been about the canonization of Black Elk. I suppose that is fine and dandy.

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Shared by Native Sun News Today September 12, 2019

When Candy met the Mad Lads

RAPID CITY— Think back to when you were fourteen years old. We all have common experiences. Like being asked up on stage to replace the singer who has a sore throat, and singing a couple of Beatles songs so well the band asks you to join the band. Okay, so

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Shared by Native Sun News Today September 12, 2019