Warming center model can provide stability for homeless
RAPID CITY – In the face of growing homelessness crisis, advocates continue to ask the city to create a shelter for the homeless and houseless relatives in Rapid City. Advocates say that the “warming center” proposal would help a number of homeless and houseless individuals during the coldest months.
Despite a recent denial of the proposal, community advocates have remained determined to find a solution that can break the cycle of homelessness and addiction in Rapid City.
As it happens, any citizen can appeal a decision made by the Community Development Director to the Common Council within 7 days. Coy Bifulco exercised his right to appeal so the issue will be before the City Council on February third.
“We can’t do without a shelter in our community. Homelessness across the nation, not just in Rapid City, is increasing, and I don’t think there’s going to be a backward trend in that, at least as far as I can see, in the near future.” That is Lila Mehlhoff, the Executive Director of the He Sapa Community Alliance (HSCA), who said that the Common Grace Warming Center, a program of HSCA, is a faith-based ministry. She said the model is a new approach which has already been tested in Montana.
The proposed warming center would provide low-barrier, overnight refuge for individuals struggling with homelessness, addiction, and untreated trauma. Unlike other similar services available in the city, Mehlhoff said the warming center would not turn away guests for intoxication. Guests who are struggling with homelessness, addiction, and untreated trauma, would arrive in the evening. “Unlike traditional shelters,” explained Mehlhoff, “the warming center would have a ‘clear thinking’ model, allowing guests to safely rest, sober up, and access support services in the morning without the threat of being turned away.” She said the center would offer two meals, case management, and connections to resources for addiction recovery, mental health treatment, and permanent housing. “We would basically just offer help to them, like, how can we help you? Would you like to go through recovery? Would you like to get into permanent housing?”
Mehlhoff said the warming center’s inclusive approach is particularly important in Rapid City, where indigenous organizations estimate that 75-82% of the homeless population are Native American. While it would serve a mostly Native American population, the center would serve any one in need.
Mehlhoff said this model creates a culturally sensitive environment that addresses the unique challenges faced by this community. “We’re extremely relational, and we understand family and, you know, being good relatives. And what we would just like to do is build those relationships, and then, you know, open that trust so that we can provide the opportunities for them.” She said trust is essential and it can take time to build that with members of the homeless community.
The warming center approach pioneered in Kalispell, Montana provides a safe, sober space for homeless individuals to get off the streets, access services, and begin the path to stability.
It has operated on this model for several years. It offers more than just a roof over people’s heads – it connects them with resources to address the root causes of their homelessness, such as addiction, mental health issues, and lack of employment.
However, the Kalispell warming center recently faced a major setback when its conditional use permit was pulled, forcing it to shut down. Like Rapid City, the driving force behind this decision was complaints from local business owners and residents. The Flathead Warming Center sued in federal court asking a judge for a preliminary injunction that would allow the shelter to remain open while the case is litigated. The judge agreed.
Executive Director Tanya Horn told Montana Public Radio that the people who are using the warming center are accused of loitering, causing disturbances, and damaging property. “But the reality is, these individuals have nowhere else to go. The warming center was giving them a safe place to be.”
This tension between supporting the homeless population and addressing the concerns of the business community is a common challenge facing warming center initiatives. In Bozeman, Montana, a similar center also faced pushback and had to fight to keep its doors open. Like Rapid City, there is the misconception that the unhoused are not working when many of them are working two or more jobs.
As of December 2024, the median listing price for a home in Rapid City was nearly $400-thousand dollars. In Bozeman, the median listing price for a home in 2021 was more than $750-thousand dollars. In 2024, the median price for a single-family home was nearly $1 million dollars.
Sean Patrick O’Neill, on of two shelter managers at the Flathead Warming Center, said that the centers help get homeless people in the area off the streets and connected to services. “We aren’t able to help folks right off the bat when they are first coming into the shelter if they are in survival mode, like many of our folks are, and struggling through the various amounts of issues -barriers and conditions. We are thankful that we are able to have a warm place for them to stay during this time where they could easily end up using emergency services because they are in a crisis situation.”
He said they bring in resources in the morning before the center closes for the day from 10a.m to 6p.m. “We are trying to get people to their appointments, or to a day center where there are other supportive services – recovery centers and treatment programs – or to the library or their work.”
O’Neill explained they work and connect with other community resources. “We aren’t duplicating services, like case management, but we do have some light programming here to help people get to a better situation. We call it ‘road maps.’ For folks to be able to stay here they have to check in with a resource manager and resource navigator every 7 stays.” He said they evaluate what a person’s immediate needs are and determine what kind of longer-term care is needed.
Some people just need stability. “Some of these folks just don’t have any stability and we are just trying to help them get some structure in their life so they can potentially find a way into either housing or some sort of better living situation or a better health situation, so they are more stable. Our whole focus is stability and giving people a safe place where they can feel some dignity and aren’t in survival mode.
Like Kalispell, Rapid City business owners have complained about crime, trash and excrement on their front sidewalks and how it could potentially impact tourism traffic. A local business owner said his employees are frightened to leave work because homeless people are walking and loitering in the area. “We are telling you that we will take those individuals,” said Mehlhoff, “and they will be sleeping at 10 p.m. when your employees are leaving work late. We will remove these people from your garbage containers, your doorways, your parks or whatever.”
Mehlhoff said the path to stability begins with building trust and having some consistency and predictability for those who are homeless and houseless.
(Contact Marnie Cook at cookm8715@gmail.com)
The post Warming center model can provide stability for homeless first appeared on Native Sun News Today.

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