Nonprofit “Umbrella” Services

Services We Provide: United Resource Connection can provide executive and other administrative services for orphaned programs that align with our mission statement. These services include maintenance of the 501c3 nonprofit status for the program’s donation purposes, including the nonprofit reporting required by the IRS and State within which the program operates.

The mission of United Resource Connection is to improve the delivery system of resources to people in need.

What We Require: Orphaned programs seeking our services typically have had umbrella services previously provided by another nonprofit agency. In such cases we must meet with that agency’s Chief Executive Officer, or their designee, to discuss the history of the program and possible models for the transfer of services.

Regardless of the former management structure, we additionally require financial reports and an onsite tour of operations. The onsight tour of operations is for the purpose of familiarization, and confirmation that the program activities fit within our mission statement. The financial review is for the purpose of determining the level of financial self-sustainability of the program.

Transfer Your Program to United Resource Connection: The review of program operations and financial documents may be instigated by the program Director(s) or a member of the organization providing the current umbrella services. Upon completion of the review, a recommendation may be made to our Board of Directors to pursue the transfer of the program to United Resource Connection.


Contact us if you would like to start a review of your program.


United Resource Connection is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.