Cybercasemanager Enterprises has Rebranded as “United Resource Connection”.

Cybercasemanager Enterprises has rebranded this year as “United Resource Connection”. Originally launched in 2003, served the greater Cincinnati and Chicago metropolitan areas, providing technological resources to enhance the delivery system of mental health services to people in need. The website averaged 24 hundred unique visitors per month, nearly half a million hits per year, and had 457 registered users prior to any professional marketing initiatives. Marketing initiatives will begin this year with the new branding, which is expected to expand the website’s user base further with increased clarity around mission. will provide the same free services previously provided by, and continue the mission of expanding and improving interagency communication and collaboration, to improve delivery of services available to mental health consumers.

For several months will forward to, but will eventually become an app store for android and iphone platforms, highliting free and paid apps for mobile devices that are particularly useful for community based case management.

United Resource Connection is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Posted by: United Resource Connection on
