SMS (text messaging) added to Interagency Bulletin Board

smsBETAPLEASE NOTE: The SMS functionality of United Resource Connection has been discontinued. It is a technology that we continue to be excited about — SMS allows users to get text messages whenever there is a new announcement on the interagency bulletin board/blog — but we never (to-date) had enough beta testers to fully evaluate the technology. Currently similar functioning already in place can be achieved via rss subscription, and there are future plans to have an email subscription service available as well for update notifications whenever content is added to the bulletin board. We do still believe in the technology, and even more so in offering as many options as possible to fit the preferences of people who want to keep up with latest bulletins from their local chapters of United Resource Connection. In that spirit, if there is an interest expressed by users to resurrect SMS (text message update) functionality, we’ll do it. Until then the remainder of this post serves as an archive of the original announcement:

SMS functionality has been added to United Resource Connection allowing subscribers to receive text messages whenever there is an update posted to the Cincinnati Interagency Bulletin Board/Blog.  You can subscribe to the feature by clicking on the drop-down menu “Subscribe to SMS (text messages)” under the Interagency Bulletin Board tab on the Cincinnati website. You will be asked to submit a name, cell phone carrier, and cell number, as well as to agree to the terms of service (e.g., you pay for all the text messages you receive, at the rate specified in your cell phone contract).  By subscribing to the SMS services, you will receive a text message whenever the Interagency Bulletin Board is updated.

The feature is fully operational but will be considered “Beta” until we receive a certain level of feedback from our users to evaluate the functionality.  In the future we would like to provide SMS functionality for each United Resource Connection localization.  Check it out at the Cincinnati website, and let us know what you think.

Edited 9/29/12 to announce that this feature has been discontinued.

United Resource Connection is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Posted by: United Resource Connection on
